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Veteran Resources

Agencies that would like to display a flyer or other resources, please email us at:


Other Resources

  • Neighborhood House Shelter

506 E. 4th Street
Calexico, CA 92231
(760) 357-6875


​Neighborhood House Shelter is an emergencyshelter for homeless women and children. By providing clients with room, food, clothing and intensive case management, shelter strives to give homeless women and children the opportunity to become self sufficient and contributing members of our community.
Neighborhood House Shelter is supported by funds from community donations, the United Methodist Women and the Emergency Food and Shelter Program.

  • Catholic Charities Day Center

250 West Orange Ave. 

El Centro, CA 92243

(760)353-6822 ext 1400

The goal of Catholic Charities Day Center is to offer unhoused community members a place to meet their basic needs and a place to access resources necessary to overcome barriers and obtain housing. The following services are provided at this location, seven (7) days a week from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM:

- Access to restrooms, showers, and laundry facilities

-Mail services

-Morning coffee and a light breakfast


-Hot nutritious meal at lunch time


-A takeaway light meal at the end of the day for dinner 


-Access to personal hygiene products and cleaning supplies


-Optional case management focused on health and safety as well as identifying, and overcoming barriers with a goal of obtaining housing.

  • WomanHaven/Center for Family Solutions


510 W. Main Street
Suite 106
El Centro, CA - 92243
24 Hour Hotline: 760-353-8530


​The WomanHaven Shelter is available to women and their children. The following is a brief description of the services offered:

-  2 Emergency Shelters with a total of 25-beds for abused women and their children or who are homeless for other reasons.

- Food, toiletries and emergency clothing are provided for our families.

- Regular group and individual counseling is provided for women and children.

- Case management to assist the families with housing options, financial assistance and legal decisions regarding the future safety and security for the family.

- Life Skills courses are offered on topics to include health, nutrition, finances, parenting.

WomanHaven continues to be the only state-approved comprehensive domestic violence agency in Imperial County.

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