PIT Volunteer Count
Goal: 150
What is the HMIS?
The Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a local web-based information technology system that the Imperial County Continuum of Care (CoC) uses to collect client-level data and data on provision of housing and services to homeless individuals and families and persons at risk of homelessness.
Why is the HMIS used?
By federal mandate, each Continuum of Care across the United States is responsible for maintaining an HMIS software that complies with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) data collection, management and reporting standards.
Benefits to Using HMIS
Uses a single client record for all programs
Can track housing, services, case notes and activities
Set up to be compliant with a variety of federal funding sources (HUD, HHS, VA) as well as having customizability for local and private funding sources
Currently used by the majority (70%) of COC’s in the United States as the HMIS system
Web-based software that is accessible anywhere and can be used on tablets
Reporting capability for data quality, program management/improvement and outcomes for funders
Various modules available to expand capability as agency needs change
HMIS Transition
In order to better meet the community’s needs, Imperial County recently transitioned from its previous HMIS software, ServicePoint, to a new software, Clarity. Imperial County contracts with San Diego Regional Task Force’s HMIS Team who has been working with the vendor that developed and distributes Clarity, BitFocus, on the process of migrating Imperial County's HMIS data and system framework to a new Clarity installation.
HMIS Training
After migration to Clarity, in-person training sessions will be provided. All new HMIS users must complete New User Training before they can be licensed and log into the HMIS. Clarity user training sessions are all in-person. Local sessions will be scheduled and posted on this site. Users are also welcome to attend upcoming Clarity training sessions in San Diego. You can visit the San Diego Regional Task Force on Homelessness calendar for information on this link: https://www.rtfhsd.org/events/.
As the community continues to navigate the many changes that accompany a major system transition like this one, it is important to Imperial County IVCCC that the community is informed. We will be posting new information as it is available here.
For more information on how to access or purchase an HMIS license, please contact EleanorTalpey@co.imperial.ca.us
IVCCC HMIS Policy and Procedures
HMIS appendices include, but are not limited to, the license fee schedule, Multipart Authorization (MPA), Agency Participation agreement (APA), and user agreement.
Imperial County CoC HMIS Trust Network: