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Updated 9/23/2021

Technical Assistance Questions and Answers

Updated 9/17/2021

2021 ESG-BOS Allocation RFP - Addendum 1



Posted 9/16/2021

The Imperial Valley Continuum of Care (IVCCC) would like to invite qualified applicants to apply for funds to address the needs of homeless individuals and individuals at imminent risk of homelessness in Imperial County.

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is pleased to announce the availability of new federal funds for the 2021 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program Balance of State (BoS) through a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). The 2021 estimated BoS allocation set aside for Imperial County is $367,182. The 2021 ESG BoS Allocation NOFA outlines application requirements and timelines for recommended applicants.

The ESG program provides funding for the following objectives:

  • Engaging individuals and families experiencing homelessness;

  • Improving the quality of Emergency Shelters (ES) for individuals and families experiencing homelessness by helping to operate these shelters, and by providing essential services to shelter residents;

  • Rapidly re-housing individuals and families experiencing homelessness; and

  • Preventing families/individuals from becoming homeless.

Funding in the BoS allocation is made available based on recommendations from a CoC in two ways:

1. Through regional competitions within three geographic regions (Northern Region, Bay Area Region, Central and Imperial Valley Region) pursuant to the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 25 CCR 8404 (a) (3); and

2. Through a noncompetitive process for Rapid Re-Housing (RR) Activities.

Continuum of Cares are responsible for recommending applicants to HCD for funds available under the NOFA. Therefore, qualified applicants interested in applying must submit their ESG BoS application for review to the IVCCC no later than:

September 27, 2021

The 2021 ESG BoS NOFA, application forms along with federal and state regulations are posted on the HCD website:

HCD - 2021 ESG BoS

Additional information and links will also be made available through the IVCCC website, within the funding announcements section:

IVCCC Funding Announcements.


For additional questions, please contact Debbie Wray at

2021 ESG Balance of State Application Timeline

August 17, 2021                NOFA and application released by HCD  

September 16, 2021         Request for Proposals and related documentation released by IVCCC and posted on the IVCCC website:                                                     IVCCC and Imperial County Purchase Department website: County of Imperial Purchasing

September 20, 2021        2021 ESG-BoS application workshop will be held via Zoom at 2:00 p.m. (workshop not mandatory but                                                    recommended). Interested participants must register  via the following link:                                                                                                    Technical Workshop Registration 

September 21, 2021        Technical Assistance questions from applicants due to Imperial County Purchasing Department by 5:00                                                    p.m. via email to Debbie Wray:

September 23, 2021        Technical Assistance questions from applicants posted by 5:00 p.m. on the IVCCC website:                                                                            IVCCC and Imperial County Purchase Department website: County of Imperial Purchasing                                                        
September 27, 2021       Submit three (3) hardcopies (one (1) original and two (2) copies) and one (1) USB copy of the application to:                                             IVCCC administrative entity, at Imperial County Office of Purchasing, 1125 W. Main Street, El Centro, Ca                                                     92243 

September 28, 2021       Scoring and Ranking Committee reviews and ranks projects

October 6, 2021              IVCCC Executive Board approves COC recommendations

October 7, 2021             Notification and forms submitted to recommended agencies

October 19, 2021           Recommended applicant deadline to submit application to HCD by 5:00 p.m.


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